Payment Policy

Checkout & Payment Information

When you’re ready to purchase your items, simply click the Proceed to Checkout button. If you already have an account with us, please log in. If not, you will be prompted to create an account or proceed with guest checkout.

On the payment screen, you will see the total amount of your items. Please enter your payment method and billing address to complete your order.

Accepted Payment Methods

Organix accepts the following payment options:

American Express
Apple Pay

Is My Payment Secure?

We take your security seriously. Every transaction on Organix occurs within a highly secure environment using 128-bit SSL encryption. You can verify this by checking for the lock icon in your web browser’s address bar.

💡 We do not store your credit card information after your order is completed. Your details are submitted securely to our banking partners for processing.

Organix is committed to providing a safe, seamless, and secure online shopping experience for all customers. For added security, we have implemented a fraud protection screening process. In some cases, we may require additional confirmation of customer details before processing an order.

Please ensure that your **contact information is accurate and up to date